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Ultrasound Utilization in the Diagnosis and Management of Dysphagia

Dysphagia, prevalent in stroke (51%-78%), Parkinson’s disease (80%-95%), ALS (80% in advanced stages), multiple sclerosis (31.3%), and dementia (13%-57%) patients, presents significant diagnostic challenges. Standard evaluation methods, such as VFS...

Difference in Performance of Health Professionals on the Use of Food Thickeners for Dysphagia

Objective: This study examined whether related experts within the same organ know the standardized viscosity system of fluids and can manufacture solutions consistently.Methods: The subjects of this study were 22 rehabilitation ward nurses, 21 non-re...

Two Cases of Dysphagia as a Secondary Postoperative Complication after Anterior Cervical Spine Fusion

Dysphagia frequently presents in patients with a cervical spinal cord injury following anterior cervical spine fusion (ACSF). However, it is essential to identify the cause of dysphagia because it can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as struct...

Effects of the Chin-Tuck Maneuver on Anatomical Changes and Angles during Swallowing: A Systematic Review

Objective: This study aimed at providing a critical review of the overall benefits of the chin-tuck maneuver through a systematic review of its effects when used in the treatment of dysphagia, as well as to provide basic data for a comparative analys...

Journal Info

Vol.14 No.Suppl 1, December 2024

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대한연하장애학회지는 연하장애와 관련된 전문성과 진료에 도움이 되는 근거바탕의 정보를 제공하기 위해 대한연하장애학회에서 1년에 2회 발행하는 상호심사 학술지입니다. 대한연하장애학회지에는 일차의료 관련 기초, 임상 연구, 역학 연구, 보건의료서비스 연구, 의료제도 연구 등에 대한 연구 결과가 실립니다. 대한연하장애학회지에는 연하장애 영역의 원리에 부합 하는 원저, 종설, 증례보고 등을 투고할 수 있습니다.

J. Korean Dysphagia Soc., JKDS, 대한연하장애학회지

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